Le 27/11/2018
(normalement, les liens sont actifs). Voici le pb. Le sort des tribus locales peut ne pas entrez dans vos intérêts c'est une toute autre question. EN REVANCHE, si les affirmations de la Cie canadienne rapportée dans l'article de ICT s'avère correctes, tenant compte de toutes les AUTRES zones d'extraction minière en plein (re)développement, et dans la perspective logique que le minerai suive les lois du marché, alors il faut s'attendre à ce que les cours de l'or S'EFFONDRENT DANS UN AVENIR TOUT PROCHE. Or, les devises "papier-monnaie" restent indexées sur le cours de l'or. Une dépréciation considérable de celui-ci, lié à une surabondance brutale sur le marché des devises, entrainerait des dépréciations équivalentes des monnaies.
POUR CETTE RAISON, je pense que la question devrait être examinée, indépendamment du sort réservé aux tribus locales. Mais, le soutien à leur opposition pourrait faire l'objet d'une activité DIPLOMATIQUE complémentaire.
Vous devriez être informés par ce site des nouveaux posts à venir. Alors, il y aura sans doute un mélange d'articles techniques et non-techniques, mais j'ai préféré conserver le même blog et même fournisseur de contenu.
Mes amitiés à tous et mon bon souvenir.
Commentaires textes : Écrire
Le 27/11/2018
Quantum physics is essentially replacing the real-valued classical frame with a complex-valued one. It may look simplistic, but that’s what the wave-corpuscle duality says, nothing more. So, we give ourselves a physical frame X with COMPLEX dimension D, that’s REAL dimension 2D, and we realize X as the direct sum X = X1 + iX2 of two “projective spaces”, real, with same dimension D. This is the planar representation: each point x of X with coordinates xa (a = 1,…,D) has “projections” x1 in X1 with coordinates x1a and x2 in X2 with coordinates x2a. Saying that a quantum object is “located at point x in quantum space X” becomes formally equivalent to saying that the PROJECTIONS of this location are x1 in X1 and x2 in X2. And it goes the same with every other physical quantity: parameters, variables, functions. There’s therefore absolutely no mathematical difficulty whatsoever, nothing new, the main difficulty stands on how to INTERPRET RESULTS, their PHYSICAL CONTENT.
As we will work with projective states all along, we will introduce the s-MATRICES we will widely use in our calculations. These are the real-valued pendings of the sigma-matrices of spin theory. Basically, each time we have a PRODUCT of complex-valued quantities, the real-valued components of the result can be expressed in terms of these matrices, which are all INVERTIBLE. Let’s then consider two complex quantities x = x1 + ix2 and y = y1 + iy2. We have:
(1) u = xy = x1y1 - x2y2 + i(x1y2 + x2y1) = (s1AB + is2AB)xAyB
(2) v = x*y = x1y1 + x2y2 + i(x1y2 - x2y1) = (s3AB + is4AB)xAyB
Capital Latin indices run from 1 to 2 and label projective states. Thus:
(3) uC = sCABxAyB , vC = sC+2ABxAyB
These s-matrices have components:
(4) s111 = -s122 = +1 , s112 = s121 = 0
(5) s211 = s222 = 0 , s212 = s221 = +1
(6) s311 = s322 = +1 , s312 = s321 = 0 => s3 = Id
(7) s411 = s422 = 0 , s412 = -s421 = +1 => s4 = J
The “identity matrix” is s3. s1 and s3 are diagonal; s2 and s4, “anti-” or “off-diagonal”. s1, s2 and s3 are symmetric matrices, s4 is skew-symmetric. Their genuine properties are:
(8) Tr(s1,s2,s4) = 0 , Tr(s3) = 2
(9) Det(s1,s2) = -1 , Det(s3,s4) = +1
(10) (s1)² = (s2)² = (s3)² = -(s4)² = s3
(11) (s1)-1 = s1 , (s2)-1 = s2 , (s3)-1 = s3 , (s4)-1 = -s4
(12) s1s2 = -s2s1 = s4 , s1s4 = -s4s1 = s2 , s4s2 = -s2s4 = s1
while s1, s2 and s4 obviously commute with s3. These properties linearize the products of s-matrices. For instance,
s1s2s4 = s4² = -s1² = -s3
etc., so that we find the CYCLIC properties of the integer powers of i (i² = -1, i3 = -i, i4 = +1) REPORTED to the real-valued s-matrices, which make a BASE of M2(R).
Let’s now consider a quantum point xa = x1a + ix2a, a = 1,…,D. Both projections x1a and x2a are a priori SIGNED quantities. If X1 and X2 are both Euclidian, they both have SO(D) as EXTERNAL rotation group; if they are pseudo-Euclidian with signature (D1,D2), D1 + D2 = D, they both have SO(D1,D2) as external rotation group. This group defines ORIENTATION in both projective spaces. What about X = X1 + iX2? It inherits the EXTERNAL symmetries of its projections, plus an INTERNAL symmetry introduced by the presence of the imaginary unit i. This is a U(1) symmetry group. It defines ANOTHER ORIENTATION, now dealing with PHYSICAL STATES. If we extend (1) and (2) to the tensor product of two quantum vectors x and y of X, we find:
(13) uab = xayb = x1ay1b - x2ay2b + i(x1ay2b + x2ay1b) = (s1AB + is2AB)xAayBb
(14) vab = x*ayb = x1ay1b + x2ay2b + i(x1ay2b - x2ay1b) = (s3AB + is4AB)xAayBb
(15) uCab = sCABxAayBb , vCab = sC+2ABxAayBb
It is clear the small Latin indices representing the EXTERNAL components aren’t affected at all by the INTERNAL transformation involving only capital Latin indices. What we find instead is that the state-1 projection of uab is u1ab = x1ay1b - x2ay2b, its state-2 projection is u2ab = x1ay2b + x2ay1b; the state-1 projection of vab is v1ab = x1ay1b + x2ay2b and its state-2 projection, v2ab = x1ay2b - x2ay1b. Each time, it involves ALL FOUR INITIAL VECTORS, x1, y1, x2 and y2 and this is what the INTERNAL SCALAR PRODUCTS express in (15). Notice that:
x1ay1b = ½ (u1 + v1) , x1ay2b = ½ (u2 - v2)
x2ay1b = ½ (u2 + v2) , x2ay2b = -½ (u1 - v1)
so that,
(16) xAayBb = ½ (uCsCAB + vCsC+2AB)
In the special case y = x,
(17) uab = xaxb = x1ax1b - x2ax2b + i(x1ax2b + x2ax1b) = (s1AB + is2AB)xAaxBb
(18) vab = x*axb = x1ax1b + x2ax2b + i(x1ax2b - x2ax1b) = (s3AB + is4AB)xAaxBb
(19) uCab = sCABxAaxBb , vCab = sC+2ABxAaxBb
(20) xAaxBb = ½ (uCsCAB + vCsC+2AB)
and external traces give:
(21) u = Sb=a=1D uab = Sa=1D [(x1a)² - (x2a)² + 2ix1ax2a]
(22) v = Sb=a=1D vab = Sa=1D [(x1a)² + (x2a)²]
While v is always non-negative and real-valued in an Euclidian geometry, both u1 and u2 can either be positive, negative or zero, EVEN IN AN EUCLIDIAN GEOMETRY. Here is the effect of the INTERNAL SYMMETRY: the EXTERNAL geometry remain unchanged, but PROJECTIVE SQUARES are affected by the INTERNAL geometry (in circle). This is the great difference with the classical situation. Here, we have:
(23) u1 = Sa=1D [(x1a)² - (x2a)²]
(24) u2 = 2Sa=1D x1ax2a
Both are HYPERBOLIC squares, whereas v is an ELLIPTIC square. It follows that, independent of the external geometry, we have to define INTERNAL GENUS. If u1 is found > 0, the state-1 contribution is HIGHER than the state-2 contribution and we’ll say that u1 is “(state)1-like”. If u1 < 0, it will be “(state)2-like” and if u1 = 0, we’ll keep the name “isotropic” used in the mathematics of space-time relativity. It means that, if the Euclidian areas measured in both states are EQUAL, than the resulting area, OBSERVED IN STATE 1, will be ZERO… otherwise said, it will reduce to a POINT. If u2 now is equal to zero, the two projected vectors x1 and x2 appear ORTHOGONAL to a state-2 observer. In the POLAR representation now:
(25) x1a = racos(ksi) , x2a = rasin(ksi)
(26) u1 = [Sa=1D (ra)²]cos(2ksi)
(27) u2 = [Sa=1D (ra)²]sin(2ksi)
and, whether Sa=1D (ra)² = 0 in which case x1 = x2 = 0 and u1 = u2 = 0, or Sa=1D (ra)² <> 0 and then u1 = 0 for ksi = (2k+1)pi/4, k in Z, giving u2 = (-1)kSa=1D (ra)² or u2 = 0 for ksi = kpi/2, giving u1 = (-1)kSa=1D (ra)². We can see that, in both situations, we alternate between a positively-counted and a negatively-counted area and that, more importantly:
This enables us to talk of “negatively-counted distances”. What happens is that we have a state-1+ and a state-2+, where distances are positively counted, plus a state-1- and a state-2-, where distances are negatively counted, because 1- is opposite in phase to 1+ and 2- to 2+.
We don’t encounter this in the classical, since ksi is set to zero there, giving x1a = xa, x2a = 0 and u1 = Sa=1D (ra)² >= 0 while u2 = 0: the component X2 is reduced to a point (as to know, {0}) and X1 identifies with classical D-space.
Notice that there’s no contradiction of principle in finding negatively-counted areas, because these are PROJECTIVE EFFECTS: the INVARIANT area remains Sa=1D (ra)² IN ALL CASES [however, each ra in (25) is SIGNED, since it remains subjected to EXTERNAL orientation].
Much more generally, when X is CURVED but RIEMANNIAN, its elementary area is given by the second quadratic form:
(28) dl² = gabdxadxb
where ALL quantities are complex-valued. Developing in real-valued components, it’s not difficult to show that:
(29) dl² = (dl²)1 + i(dl²)2 = (s1AB + is2AB)dlAB²
(30) (dl²)C = sCABdlAB²
(31) dlAB² = gAabsBCDdxCadxDb
(32) (dl²)1 = g1ab(dx1adx1b - dx2adx2b) - g2ab(dx1adx2b + dx1bdx2a)
(33) (dl²)2 = g1ab(dx1adx2b + dx1bdx2a) + g2ab(dx1adx1b - dx2adx2b)
Also notice the linear form:
(34) dl = uadxa => dlC = sCABuAdxBa
If we square dl = dl1 + idl2, we find dl² = dl1² - dl2² + 2idl1dl2. Comparing with (29) gives:
(35) (dl²)1 = dl1² - dl2² = s1ABdlAdlB
(36) (dl²)2 = 2dl1dl2 = s2ABdlAdlB
So, we should not confuse (dl²)C, which are the projections of dl², with (dlC)², which are the squares of the projections of dl.
Commentaires textes : Écrire
Le 03/10/2018
First of all, I’d like to apologize near the regular reader for the permanent updates on this blog. The reason is: I have few time to allow it. So, it’s calculations and reasonings “when I can”, I prepare a lot of things but I’m still not in a REGULAR ENVIRONMENT where work can be properly done.
Usually, I don’t keep versions I’m not satisfied with nor articles that went the wrong way. However, as it begins to accumulate, what I decided to do this time is: make a break with that B149 and starts it all over again from B150.
It’s essential that we understand how the PHYSICAL FRAME itself work, because it contains everything else. So, it has INCIDENCES on the rest. As a consequence, if we do understand the way it articulates, we will understand how objects inside it articulate.
The work to come is simplified and, overall, CORRECTED. It does bring interesting informations but I can’t tell by now if this will be enough to answer the main questions about “paranormal behaviors”. What I can say is that it sticks to the knowledge and understanding of physical laws we have today.
So, let’s go again, hoping this time we won’t have to go back.
Because I’m stupidly loosing time, the reader may begin to think this is all very confuse and loose patience because of this. And, to me, it’s frustrating anyway, because it stagnates…
Commentaires textes : Écrire
Le 13/09/2018
Before continuing on anything else, I’ll like to examine that question of time in the quantum, because it’s a central point that extends to energy, since they are dual quantities.
Classically, the distinction between “space” and “time” is known since Einstein’s relativity as being linked to the SIGN of the diagonal components of the metrical 2-tensor of the physical frame. In plane Minkowski space-time, we have gaa = -1 (a = 1,2,3) and g44 = +1 for a “time-like interval” and gaa = +1, g44 = -1 for a “space-like interval”. Physically, this is required for the velocity of light in the vacuum to be guaranteed “invariant”, i.e. with the same value in all coordinate systems. It appears that, along the four main directions of space-time, the requested “surface element” must be of the form s² = (x4)² - Sa=13 (xa)² for the time-like formulation, or s² = Sa=13 (xa)² - (x4)² for the space-like one.
This all changes when we go to the quantum. In place of the four classical coordinates xa (a = 1,2,3,4), we find for quantum coordinates:
(1) xa(ksia) = xaexp(iksia) (a = 1,2,3,4)
that’s four external xas together with four internal ksias. So, even if the topology of the quantum space remains Riemannian because we need the physical vacuum to remain boson-like, the classical gab turns into the quantum:
(2) gab(gamab) = gabexp(igamab) (a,b = 1,2,3,4)
and the symmetry of the quantized 2-tensor,
(3) gba(gamba) = gab(gamab)
imposes that,
(4) gba = gab , gamba = gamab
so that BOTH the external AND the internal topologies are Riemannian.
The great advantage of (2) versus the classical metrical tensor is that component signs are now determined by the values taken by the INTERNAL metrical tensor, so that, in EACH direction a, gaa(gamaa) can give projections with either a positive or negative sign. As a direct consequence of this, we no longer require that the external tensor be of ALTERNATED signature, like at Minkowski. Right on the contrary, we have physical interest in having it FULLY EUCLIDIAN. So, let’s place ourselves in plane 4-space and set gab as the Kronecker delta:
(5) gaa = +1 , gab = 0 (a,b = 1,2,3,4; a <> b)
The off-diagonal components of gamab are out of the game, so that we can restrict to the four gamaa. This gives a:
(6) gaa(gamaa) = exp(igamaa) (a = 1,2,3,4)
and is far enough to attribute various signs to the projection spaces. In particular:
(7) gamaa = pi (a = 1,2,3) , gam44 = 0 -> time-like Minkowski metric
(8) gamaa = 0 (a = 1,2,3) , gam44 = pi -> space-like Minkowski metric
and many other possibilities, since we have a QUADRUPLE CONTINUOUS INFINITY OF CHOICES. So, when the metrical tensor explicitly depends on the coordinates, as in curved quantum space, we can even witness a CHANGE IN THE SIGN OF THE DIAGONAL COMPONENTS FROM ONE POINT TO ANOTHER. It follows that:
And, with it, the dual notion of ENERGY.
In quantum space, we can only talk about space and momentum.
This has interesting consequences on the behavior of SIGNALS. In the classical, we had a delay of order ct, due to the FINITE velocity at which a signal propagated. In the quantum, that term turns into c(khi)t(tau) = ctexp[i(khi + tau)]. c and t are always non-negative quantities. But khi and tau are SIGNED ones. So, when khi + tau = 2npi, n in Z, we find a delay of order ct; but when khi + tau = (2n+1)pi, we find a delay -ct, that is, an ADVANCE of order ct. And this is perfectly consistent. It has many possible interpretations: whether signal propagation is reversed (c -> -c), or time is (t -> -t), or many others as long as khi and tau satisfy khi + tau = (2n+1)pi. Remember that, in the classical, only x - ct spatial dependence were kept, because x + ct represented an INCIDENT signal hitting a given system of bodies. In the quantum, the interpretation is radically different. It all becomes a question of STATES. In x4(ksi4) = c(khi)t(tau), the INTERNAL position is ksi4 = khi + tau. It also defines the STATE associated with x4 = ct >= 0. An “advance” then becomes OPPOSITE IN PHASE TO A DELAY. There’s no “space or time reversal” any longer: these are all EXTERNAL PERCEPTIONS. In the classical solution to the 1-dimensional wave equation:
f(x - ct) + f(x + ct)
x, c and t were SIGNED quantities, needing f(x + ct) to be REJECTED because it didn’t represent a signal PRODUCED by the system. Signals propagating in the vacuum at a finite velocity c, there was NECESSARILY a delay between their emission and their observation and that delay was modeled by x - ct. So, “advanced signals” were rejected.
In the quantum,
f(phi)[x(ksi) - c(khi)t(tau)] + f(phi)[x(ksi) + c(khi)t(tau)]
nearly make a “REDUNDANCY” so that we can keep f(phi)[x(ksi) - c(khi)t(tau)] alone and get the same results, since signs depend on the INTERNAL. Thus, for:
(9) (phi, ksi, khi, tau) = (0,0,0,0) => f(x - ct)
we retrieve the classical delayed signal, but with
(10) (phi, ksi, khi + tau) = (0,0,pi) => f(x + ct)
we find the ADVANCED signal. Again, WITHOUT PERFORMING ANY EXTERNAL REVERSAL. This last signal is still PRODUCED by the quantum system, but externally observed, it LOOKS LIKE an “incident wave” coming from outside to hit the system… :)
The great lesson of complexification is to learn us that:
It’s INTERNAL, it does NOT belong to the external…
Want a blatant example? The Newtonian electrostatic potential between two electric charges q and q’ is:
(11) U(r) = qq’/(4pi)e0r
Where e0 (actually, epsilon0) is the electrical “permittivity” (= conductivity) of the “classical vacuum” (i.e. the medium OUTSIDE the system of charges). Quantize q and q’ through complexification and write them in the planar representation:
(12) q(theta)q’(theta’) = q1(theta)q’1(theta’) - q2(theta)q’2(theta’) +
+ i[q1(theta)q’2(theta’) + q2(theta)q’1(theta’)]
Now, set:
(13) q(theta) = q + i(4pie0k)1/2m
where q and m are CLASSICAL charge and mass, respectively. What do you get?
(14) tan(theta) = (4pie0k)1/2m/q
valid for ANY value of q and m… And what do you get in (12)? THE MINUS SIGN OF GRAVITATION IN THE REAL COMPONENT…:
(15) q(theta)q’(theta’) = qq’ - (4pie0k)mm’ + i(4pie0k)1/2(mq’ + m’q)
plus two charge-mass couplings in the imaginary part. Theta is zero OR PI for m = 0, and pi/2 OR 3PI/2 for q = 0… So, the minus sign in (12) DOES arise from i² = -1, which is a PURELY QUANTUM AND THEREFORE INTERNAL PROCESS… hence the presence of pi in the INTERNAL potential of gravity in the previous article.
If you stick to the classical, you find NO CLEAR EXPLANATION to the reversal of the sign between electrostatic and gravitostatic interactions.
If, instead, you quantize the electrostatic field IN SUCH A WAY that it unites the concept of charge with that of mass, that sign reversal appears NATURALLY…
The physical consequence is dramatically different: while you classically cannot find any accumulation of charges, you do find an accumulation of masses with same sign. But if you shift theta of pi/2, then (13) becomes iq - (4pie0k)1/2m and you find an accumulation of CHARGES while no accumulation of masses… This is simply because electric charges and masses are now treated on an equal footing.
I noticed a rather astonishing property of complex-valued quantities. Let’s consider again two quantum masses m(mu) and m’(mu’). Coupling them gives a resulting mass:
(16) [m”(mu”)]² = m”²exp(2imu”) = m(mu)m’(mu’) = mm’exp[i(mu + mu’)]
(17) m”² = mm’
(18) mu” = ½ (mu + mu’)
the external mass m” is the geometric average of m and m’, while the internal mass is the arithmetic average of mu and mu’. This is already well-known. What’s new in terms of physical interpretation is this:
(19) m(mu)m’(mu’) = m(mu’)m’(mu)
We have no classical equivalent, because we lack internal variables. Coupled quantities need be of the same kind because coupling, say a mass with a velocity and exchanging their internal components is meaningless, as you can’t associate an external mass with an internal velocity and an external velocity with an internal mass.
This result easily generalizes to n quantum quantities of the same kind. Let’s take, for instance, two quantum lengths x1(ksi1) and x2(ksi2). Their coupling gives:
(20) x1(ksi1)x2(ksi2) = x1(ksi2)x2(ksi1) = x1x2exp[i(ksi1 + ksi2)] = s²exp(2isig)
This time, exchange of internal variables is possible, because they are two internal lengths. Externally,
(21) s² = x1x2
is an area. Internally,
(22) 2sig = ksi1 + ksi2
is HALF A PERIMETER (logarithmic correspondence as always). Take three xa(ksia):
(23) x1(ksi1)x2(ksi2)x3(ksi3) = x1x2x3exp[i(ksi1 + ksi2 + ksi3)] = v3exp(3isti)
(24) v3 = x1x2x3
is a volume. Internally,
(25) 3sti = ksi1 + ksi2 + ksi3
is again half the perimeter of a 3D internal volume (take a parallelepiped with sizes ksia and check). There are exactly 3! = 6 ways of exchanging the three ksias. By recurrence, we immediately see that:
There are n! ways of exchanging the ksias (a = 1,…,n) in the coupling:
(26) x1(ksi1)…xn(ksin) = vnnexp(instin)
There’s only one n-dimensional external volume and it’s always NON-NEGATIVE:
(27) vnn = x1…xn >= 0
and there’s a n-dimensional HALF-PERIMETER:
(28) nstin = ksi1 +…+ ksin
The quantity vn schematically represents the size of a n-dimensional hypercube with a hyper-volume equivalent to x1…xn. The quantity stin schematically represents half of the perimeter of a n-dimensional parallelepiped, divided by the total number of its sides.
What becomes properly amazing once given a physical content is that internal substances of the same kind can exchange external substances and external substances of the same kind can exchange internal ones:
External or internal substances can be TRANSFERRED to another physical object of the same kind.
Now, whereas external amounts are never negative, internal ones can either be positive, null or negative. So, when they’re transferred, they are WITH THEIR SIGNS. When it comes to quantum fields, we have couplings like F1(PHI1)…Fn(PHIn), each field depending on the four space variables xa(ksia). Independent on those variables, the n fields can exchange their external or internal components. This is normal, after all, since a coupling means an INTERACTION between the fields… and, when two physical objects or more interact, they EXCHANGE THEIR INFORMATIONS, i.e. their CONTENTS.
Commentaires textes : Écrire
Le 09/09/2018
The reader understood it: after several attempts to get rid of i, I finally reintroduced it, because I found it a physical content.
In this article, we’re going to talk about MASS COUPLING, because there are important consequences.
As any other physical quantity, a QUANTUM MASS is a complex-valued quantity:
(1) m(mu) = mexp(imu)
It measures the quantity of quantum substance within a delimited quantum volume. As an amplitude, the external mass m is ALWAYS a non-negative quantity. This means that, in the quantum, we will ALWAYS deal with SUBSTANCE:
Wow… will immediately hurt the quantum physicist… K Not that much actually. We now know that the SIGN of a quantity all depends on the INTERNAL factor. The notion of “anti-substance with a positive energy” arose from the classical vision, where signs are arbitrary. People preferred to talk about this rather than about “substance with negative energy (or mass)”, because such substance was not observed at levels immediately higher than that of “elementary” particles (today, it’s possible to create “anti-atoms”, but they remain highly unstable and must be kept inside magnetic fields so as to avoid interacting with any atoms). The internal mass mu of a quantum body is perceived as a “mass state” by a CLASSICAL observer. In other words, in some 1-dimensional ISO-space, we have that mass representation made of a pair (m,mu) of masses where m is classically perceived as being “the” mass of a quantum object, while mu is classically perceived as representing the STATE in which m is. As a result, when mu = 0, m(0) = m > 0 appears perfectly logical, whereas mu = pi gives m(pi) = -m < 0 or “anti-substance”. What we instead have is actually some substance (m > 0), but in a phase mu = pi OPPOSITE to the phase mu = 0. We also find much more: we find that m(pi/2) = im and m(3pi/2) = -im are no longer “abstract”, but represent PURELY QUANTUM MASSES, opposite in phase. All other values of mu are matters of PROJECTIONS. We have a first projection m1(mu) = mcos(mu): that’s what was previously assumed to be “classical”. We have a second projection m2(mu) = msin(mu) that was REJECTED in the classical, but INCLUDED in the quantum. Thus, m1(mu) is the quantity a classical observer will perceive, while im2(mu) is the quantity a PURELY QUANTUM OBSERVER will perceive. The presence of i is important here: again, as a REAL-valued quantity, m2(mu) is CLASSICAL, whereas im2(mu) is purely quantum, because i is.
Consequently, as mu changes, so do m1(mu) and m2(mu), which are SIGNED quantities, and this is absolutely normal, since m(mu) CHANGES STATE. The important thing is that m does NOT change, so that:
What is likely to change is the INTERNAL amount of substance.
It would be perfectly possible to attribute an object to EACH value (m,mu), but this would lead to a plethora of particles. We can drastically reduce that number considering that a given object has CONSTANT external mass in VARIABLE STATES. This also has the advantage of unifying the former concepts of “substance” and “anti-substance”: it’s well-known indeed that a particle and its “anti-partner” have SAME MASS AT REST. Yes, indeed: same EXTERNAL mass at rest… :) but DIFFERENT INTERNAL MASSES. And that’s what enables us to distinguish them, at least on the mass level.
Before quantizing, we now have to ask ourselves why the gravitational interaction that couples masses has a classical potential OPPOSITE IN SIGN with the electromagnetic interaction that couples electric charges. Potentials are SCALAR quantities, so we cannot invoke any space orientation. There’s another reason. Of course, this was set so because it was observed that two electric charges with same sign REPULSE, whereas two masses with same sign ATTRACT. We now need to understand why that reversal. The Newtonian G-potential between a mass m’, acting like the source, and an incident mass m, is given by:
(2) U(r) = -km’m/r
where r is the distance between the two masses. Such a potential immediately eliminates all possibility of self-interaction, since it diverges near r = 0. Now, r is assumed to be a NON-NEGATIVE quantity, since it represents a RADIAL distance. However, Penrose admitted the possibility of NEGATIVE values for r, synonymous of a repulsion “beyond a central singularity” (crazy how the fact of ARBITRARILY defining sign can lead to multiple interpretation attempts…). It occurs that we can rewrite U(r) this way:
(3) U(r,pi) = (km’m/r)exp(ipi)
We didn’t change anything. But we enlighted a SPATIAL STATE rho = pi, while the AMPLITUDE of the potential becomes:
(4) U(r,0) = km’m/r > 0
a NON-NEGATIVE QUANTITY… In other words, what we just did was to REFORMULATE the CLASSICAL observation (2) a QUANTUM way. Instead of saying “gravity is attractive between two masses with same sign”, we say:
EXTERNAL gravity is ALWAYS REPULSIVE and, ACCORDING TO THE STATE THE G-POTENTIAL IS IN, we’ll have attractions or repulsions.
The question of mass signs is solved complexifying (2). U(r) turns:
(5) U(UPS)[r(rho)] = -k(kap)m’(mu’)m(mu)/r(rho)
giving an external potential,
(6) U(r) = km’m/r
just like (4), but with NOTHING BUT NON-NEGATIVE QUANTITIES, and an internal potential
(7) UPS(rho) = kap + mu’ + mu + pi - rho
The minus sign in (5) BELONGS TO THE INTERNAL. It’s a pi-shift. kap is an internal parameter required because nothing allows us to assert that the constant of physics we, as classical observers, measure in the vacuum, are truly “universal”, i.e. the same in all quantum states. CLASSICALLY universal, they are; QUANTUM universal is nothing for granted at all. Asserting this would be pure speculation for the time being.
Look at the form of the internal G-field: it’s GLOBAL (independent of r) and LINEAR in rho.
Externally, the Newtonian static G-field is a typically DECONFINED FIELD.
Internally, it is a CONFINING FIELD.
At the critical distance:
(8) rhoc = kap + mu’ + mu + pi => UPS(rhoc) = 0
the internal field just vanishes. At all other distances, it grows in absolute value with the internal distance.
(9) rho = 0 => UPS(0) = rhoc
So, even in the worst case where we would fix kap, mu’ and mu to zero, we would still find the non-zero value UPS(0) = pi: this is precisely where the minus sign comes from, in the classical model.
The external potential (6) is clearly a potential WALL, that is, schematically, a potential barrier with unlimited height at r = 0. This now represents the shortest external distance one can find. It can no longer be prolonged to negative values.
Opposite to U(r), which is now strictly positive and only asymptotically zero, UPS(rho) can be either positive, negative or zero. We’ll have:
(10) rho < rhoc => UPS(rho) > 0 => INTERNAL REPULSION
(11) rho = rhoc => UPS(rho) = 0 => LIBRATION POINT
(12) rho > rhoc => UPS(rho) < 0 => INTERNAL ATTRACTION
What’s interesting in the Newtonian static potential is that, even once quantized, the external field only depends on external quantities and the internal field, on internal ones. This is obviously far from being that simple for other field distributions. That kind of field thus gives us a quite good idea of the mechanisms at play. We can see that the functioning of the internal G-field is RADICALLY different from that of the external one, because the correspondence between the two is LOGARITHMIC. So, what were external products turn into internal sums and internal products turn into external POWERS (exponentiation).
Let set again kap, mu’ and mu to zero, as in the classical. We’ll find internal attraction at internal distances rho GREATER than (2n+1)pi, where n is a non-negative integer. It means that, for rho = 0, we have NO CHANCE to find assemblies of internal substance in this model. At the libration points rho = (2n+1)pi, we have those assemblies of external substances. These are the only situations where substantial assemblies are possible. It shows that, even in such a simple model, substantial assemblies are everything but granted. This is because the notions of “attraction” and “repulsion” relate to a SIGN and become meaningless in the quantum, where complex-valued quantities have NO DEFINITE SIGN.
Aside of the potential energy, let’s now introduce the kinetic one, K(KAP). The total energy of the system will be:
(13) H(ETA) = K(KAP) + U(UPS)
(14) H² = K² + U² + 2KUcos(KAP - UPS)
Because of interferences, external energies are generally NOT additive quantities.
They turn to be only for KAP - UPS = 2npi, n in N, in which case H = |K + U| and KAP - UPS = (2n+1)pi, in which case, H = |K - U|. Everywhere else:
(15) 0 =< |K - U| =< H =< |K + U|
and, as K and U are >= 0, we have K + U = 0 only for K = U = 0. When K = U, H can reach zero. But:
When K is different from U, the LOWEST accessible energy threshold is |K - U| > 0.
Compare with the classical, where H = K + U, with K and U SIGNED quantities…
The total INTERNAL energy now:
(16) ETA = Arctan{[Ksin(KAP) + Usin(UPS)]/[Kcos(KAP) + Ucos(UPS)]} (mod pi)
It will vanish along:
(17) Ksin(KAP) + Usin(UPS) = 0
while reaching pi/2 for:
(18) Kcos(KAP) + Ucos(UPS) = 0
These are two Fresnel-like equations. Look at (17): it doesn’t require any of the four variables involved to be zero for ETA to reach zero. On the contrary, if, say KAP = 0 (mod pi), then we need U = 0 or UPS = 0 (mod pi); if K = 0, same. And similar results for (18). Conclusion:
One can have a QUANTUM kinetic energy and a QUANTUM potential energy and still find a CLASSICAL total energy or a PURELY QUANTUM one… :|
In space relativity, K is classically defined as K = ½ mv², with v the RESULTING velocity. In the quantum,
(19) K(KAP) = ½ m(mu)[v(sti)]²
(20) K = ½ mv² >= 0
(21) KAP = mu + 2sti
(do NOT confuse with the kap of Newton’s gravitational constant!)
We have a LINEAR progression internally vs a PARABOLIC progression externally. The other significant difference is that KAP can turn negative. If we have KAP = UPS, we immediately find ETA = KAP = UPS, but if we have K = U, we only find:
Exp(iKAP) + exp(iUPS) = 2exp[i(KAP + UPS)/2]cos[(KAP - UPS)/2]
leading to,
(22) H = 2K|cos[½ (KAP - UPS)]| , ETA = ½ (KAP + UPS) (K = U)
And if we have K = -U (which NO LONGER corresponds to the mechanical equilibrium in the external, because the additive property of energy is lost), from:
Exp(iKAP) - exp(iUPS) = 2exp[i(KAP + UPS + pi)/2]sin[(KAP - UPS)/2]
we find,
(23) H = 2K|sin[½ (KAP - UPS)]| , ETA = ½ (KAP + UPS + pi) (K = -U)
Thus, in the two cases K = U and K = -U, the total internal energy is a LINEAR SUPERPOSITION of the internal kinetic energy and the internal potential energy. In all other cases, it’s not.
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